Looking to make new friends or to reconnect with old ones or just to have a good time? Come out and chill with us!
There will be boardgames, spikeball, plenty of laughter and fun!
If possible, bring a picnic blanket, boardgames or a spikeball set to share. (Food will not be provided at the event, feel free to bring you own and eat it there)
Hope to see you there!
Central Park Meet Up
Jun 08, 06:00 PM - Jun 09, 12:00 AM (GMT)
To be shared on approval
30 attendees
There will be boardgames, spikeball, plenty of laughter and fun!
If possible, bring a picnic blanket, boardgames or a spikeball set to share. (Food will not be provided at the event, feel free to bring you own and eat it there)
Hope to see you there!